Friday, August 1, 2008

First Competition Day - No Record....Yet

Today was the first competition day.
The morning started very good. I had a nice long sleep and when I woke up I fixed some of my equipment (wetsuit, ankle weight).
Then I went out to Blue Hole with the first group. The Team of Freedive Dahab prepared the Conter Ballast System and in the meantime I started to do some stretching.
I felt very good and strong.
Sara Champbell was coaching and supporting me in the water and during my warm up´s. With every second more in the water I felt more comfortable. I did two FRC´s and they felt very good. One was to 21m the other one was to 32m.
Then my BIG Dive started. During the first meters my ears would not work properly but after 20m everything was fine and easy. The freefalling felt good and at the bottom plate I reached the TAG easy. The way back was easy aswell and I had almost no contractions. Back at the surface I did a big mistake. My hand touched the bouy before my head was out of the water. The regulations of AIDA say that this is a yellow card and NO NATIONAL RECORD. Well, it was a bit stupid of me and tomorow I will do a proper dive without this mistake.
My computer sayed that I went down to 72,3 m in 2:08 min.
For tomorow I annonced 72m in constant weight...another chance for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo Andy,

habe wie immer alle deinen Einträge aufmerksam gelesen und wünsche für morgen viel Erfolg. Von Glück wünschen halte ich nichts, weil Apnoe wenig mit Glück zu tun hat :-)

Wir werden heute Abend Dynamic in Langezenn machen, leider nicht im Freiwasser :-)

Regnerische Grüße aus Nürnberg