
Early in the morning I got a message from Lotta about going to the Blue Hole. It was long time ago since I was diving there and I really use to like it a lot.We did the drive at 9am and I was surprised how fast we was. The reason for that is the new road to the Blue Hole. In the past the road was very bummpie and bad. Now they did the way plain and easy to drive.
Back into the Blue Hole I had very nice deep dives with my new monofin. The deepest dive was 52m and I was very surprised about that because I have not trained deep diving at all since I left dahab. I had very nice dives with Linda and Lotta.

In the morning I went freediving with Roland and two of his students. We were diving at Lighthouse at a 25m deep line. Down at this line I did some static freediving witch was very relaxing. The longest dive there took almost 3 minutes. This was a fabolous feeling.
In the afternoon I showed my friend oliver and his wife wilma my house in dahab.
Later I had some tea with Roland.

This morning I had a meeting with peter, my architect, to decide some stuff. For that we went to certain houses to show me how things could look at my house. Later we went to the ceramic shop to find some nice tiles for my house.
It was not easy to find but in the end we found a perfect combination for floor, kitchen and bath.
In the afternoon I went Lighthouse for some relaxing dives. But I could feel that even here in egypt the winter is coming. In the evening I met Mahmoud, a very good friend and coordinator of the workers. After some small talk he had to go to alexandria. He asked me to come with him to alexandria but I refused...to much hustle for that vacation.
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