Friday, September 26, 2008

RTL Report

RTL Report about the record attempt:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Viva Espania - but no time for freediving

Just sitting here in Cadiz/Spain in the hotel lobby. Almost the whole week I was on one of our boats here and unfortunadly I could'nt freedive at all. The reason was that all the time we had to work and no time for anchoring somewhere. Also the underwater conditions in the atlantic are not so good as thought. Aleast I saw some dolphins and this was very great. I never saw wild dolphins before.

Anyhow...we had a great time here in Cadiz and we are very happy to spend the last night in a hotel.

Just got a photo of my new sofa from nikki:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Off to Cadiz/Spain

Just about to finish my packing. Now I´m off to Cadiz/Spain...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

5 Minutes

Todays goal was 5 minutes and I reached it again very easy.
I also got this special feeling back after that static session. Almost forgot that static really can be fun :-)
The rest of the pool session I spend with empty-lung-dives down to 5m which felt quite good.
Just came from the gym...had a very nice workout there :-)
Unfortunadly our flight to spain is delayed by two days. the reason is that our diving boat has to fight with very bad sea conditions. the good thing is that I can have some more static sessions until friday. But still - I already can hear the calling of the sea. My monofin is already on the diving boat ;-)

Special THANKS to ELIOS-SUB for my new 3mm Suit

Monday, September 8, 2008

Pool Training and new goals

After work I went into our pool for a static session with my new suit.
The todays goal was four minutes witch I reached easy.
Time to make new goals for the winter...During the winter I will try to reach the 7min mark. It´s gonna be a hard way because I did´nt trained static since almost 2 years.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Official Surface Camera

The official surface camera shots of my record attempt: